人间烟火联合 Hara Makers,特别举办河流清洁活动,一起为环境出一份力! 为什么需要清洁河流? 河流是生命之源,它承载着我们的生活用水,也维系着自然生态。然而,塑料垃圾、工业废弃物、生活垃圾等污染物正不断侵蚀着河流的健康。通过清洁河流,我们不仅是在改善生态环境,更是在与污染作斗争,守护我们和下一代的未来。每一个参与者,都是改变的关键力量。 活动详情如下: 费用:通过人间烟火报名,可享特别优惠价格! (报名费于活动当天支付) 报名费用包含:主办方将提供所需设备,包括工业级雨鞋和手套,确保参与者安全与舒适。不建议使用一次性手套,容易破损,影响清洁效率。 人数限制:活动限额仅 20人,额满即止! 安全与规定 参与活动,写心得赢稿费!活动结束后,参与者可提交500-1000字的活动感言/报告,并附上相关照片。稿件被录取的话将获得稿费RM50。您的故事和感悟,或许能够影响更多人,共同守护我们的河流与家园! 您的参与有多重要?通过这次活动,您将不仅能为河流保育出力,还能学习更多关于废弃物分类与自然保护的小知识。一起动手,为河流增添一份清澈,也让我们的社区更加美好! 立即报名,与我们一同成为改变的力量! 更多详情,请参阅Hara Makers网页。
Plastic waste is one of the most significant environmental challenges we face today. From landfills overflowing with discarded items to oceans polluted with plastic debris, the impact is undeniable. But…
The festive season is upon us—a time for joy, love, and thoughtful giving. This year, why not make your gifts extra meaningful by celebrating sustainability and supporting a cause that…
Plastic bags are an omnipresent part of modern life, found in nearly every grocery store, retail shop, and household. Lightweight, cheap, and convenient, they have become a symbol of single-use…
Our first cleanup in November 2024, after a break due to river digging activities. We collected 40.85 kg of trash! Thanks to Liliana and friend from @asiapacificuniversity for their hard…
If you missed it last time… here’s your chance to join the fun! Come make funky keychains from upcycled food wrappers with us! Date: Saturday, 16 Nov 2024 Time: 9…
The use of single-use plastics has become so ingrained in our daily lives that it’s almost impossible to imagine a world without them. From grocery bags to take out containers,…
The Weight of Plastic is a community-made installation created by members of PA Sri Sarawak, Sri Hang Tuah, and Sri Selangor, and led by the Hara Makers Team. Using reclaimed…
Introducing custom matching keychain from upcycled plastic! Each piece is crafted from single use plastic bags and food packaging! Special price on #VegFest5 With @veghub.my. Source: Information obtained from hara.makers
Due to continuous rain over the past few days, the water levels at Sungai Keroh were quite high this morning, making river cleanup too risky. Instead, we switched gears and…